Sunday 18 May 2014

Black and Gold..

Your mind sometimes can be your ultimate enemy, you struggle with your thoughts and you think crap of yourself. You want to stay positive but your mind is not in tune with you.

It is time to take the bull by the horn and stay true to yourself. Don’t be in denial and focus on what is right... if you are a spiritual person, it is time to seek Gods knowledge and direction as you are nothing without it... Believe in yourself no matter what. Things might not be the way you want now but the truth is, it will always get better. You just need to believe and focus in the right direction.
Do have a wonderful week all. xxx
Outfit details
Skirt: River Island
Shirt: Hawes&Curtis
Sunnies: Old bought from Kano
Shoes: Carvela-Kurt Keiger previously worn here


  1. I'm proud of u. You are really looking good.

  2. Good cam man you've got there. Nice pics.

  3. Thanks for the lovely comments.x

  4. ℓ̊ love ds. ƔƱ luk more beautiful

  5. oh you look so great ! I love this outfit <3 so classy :)
