Thursday, 27 March 2014

Sewing on Holiday...

Hello everyone, I can’t believe I  actually brought a sewing machine with me on holiday. Some things I can’t help. Lol.  It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday and I have decided to wear something personal. The easiest thing I could come up with is iro (wrapper) and buba (blouse) most importantly, cutting my coat according to cloth. I have only got a few metres of fabric and I wanted something that will be enough for me and my little girl.
I was gunning for a wide neck buba(blouse) and I ended up cutting the neck too wide (covering my face) I think I managed to salvage it by putting some pleats on the shoulder. Now I’m not too sure of the final look.  

Well enough said about me, for my daughter’s dress, I don’t have a pattern so I measured her and started from the scratch. I’ll be styling her dress with lace (upper part) and a plain material for the bodice (getting excited already).
I’ll let you know the outcome or however I managed it.
I would like to thank my mum for giving me the fabric (4 years ago), My sweetheart  for driving me to the shop to get other materials needed and also to Temitope for teaching me how to sew after I refused to learn from my mum.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave your comments below...x


  1. Well done girl. The dress looked beautiful. As for ur buba sha o....u try kidding..for a first attempt, I think it was nice. Well done.

    1. thanks moma.I still want to be like you when I grow up.x
